Prospective study of fashion formulation of research of life in the cosmos.
- Drake's Equation, 1961, vs. Modern Life Search of Alien Life -
An article by Igor Otto (study being written according to notes and research since 2010)
[Started June 26, 2017. - Hal - id 322178] {Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International- Share in the Same Conditions - If you make a remix, transform, or create from the material composing the original work, you must distribute The Work modified in the same conditions, i.e. with the same license with which the original Work was broadcast. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)}
Prospective study of life-research formulation in the cosmos
My purpose in this article is to attempt to analyze the factors necessary for the appearance of life outside the earth and, according to the current state of knowledge on this subject, to conduct a methodical study in order to produce a mathematical formulation effective way to identify any exoplanets sustaining the Life.
Universe: 2 000 billion galaxies
Milky Way: Stars: 250 billion ± 150 billion
3,729 exoplanets confirmed on February 14, 2018
Current number of potentially habitable exoplanets: 53 (PHL / UPR Arecibo - December 5, 2017)
Living / inhabited planets confirmed: ?
As a reminder :
Drake's equation is:
The equation itself is the product of seven factors:
N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
- N being the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy with which we could come into contact
- R* is the number of stars in formation per year in our galaxy;
- fp is the fraction of these stars possessing planets;
- ne the average number of planets potentially conducive to life per star;
- fl the fraction of those planets on which life actually appears;
- fi is the fraction of these planets on which appears an intelligent life;
- fc is the fraction of those planets capable and willing to communicate;
- L is the average life span of a civilization, in years.
The result obtained from this factor product, N, was: 10.
(Wikipedia source)
Today, its value remains uncertain but if we discovered at least one other civilization, and more, then we could count dozens, maybe hundreds of civilizations.
Scientists today have considerable disagreement over the possible values of these parameters. The empirical values used by Drake and his colleagues in 1961 are:
- R* = 10 y−1;
- fp = 0.5;
- ne = 2;
- fl = 1;
- fi = fc = 0.01;
- L = 10,000 years.
There are lots of applets or sites to calculate N, and according to the values entered, the calculations are fast dizzy! 2,000, 7,000, 10,000, or 0.1, etc. This makes it a little precise method just for our galaxy, then on a universe scale!
With 200 to 400 billion stars, the number of planets would rise to between 100 and 140 billion at least ... we do not know in fact! Incredible but true, today's scientists in spite of all their means, which are far more extraordinary than in 1961, in terms of quality, precision and resources, ignore the precise state and number of the population and the precise spectral typology of all the stars of the Milky Way ! And beyond ... Similarly distances are very imprecise on the measurement in light-years of many stars because of several factors like clouds and inter-stellar dust, (for example, 3 clouds belt our solar system especially towards the constellation of the Hydra), gravitational effects, the curvature of space-time or the effects of light diffractions, various shock waves (pulsar blast, novæ, etc ...) which fuse through the interstellar medium and which deform the path of the few photons captured in the distance. ... Some fluxes collected by our telescopes are only a hundred photons for some distant sources! The Hipparcos satellite has made it possible to verify certain distances and corrections have been made by other measurements with other artificial satellites, but many inaccuracies and measurement errors remain.
The census has therefore begun in recent years: how many planets are within telescope range? The last ten detected types of rock types and close to the type of Earth are from 219 new exoplanets discovered by Kepler and recently added by NASA to its catalogue on June 19, 2017. But the telescope was, in the long term, even more performance. In total, since the beginning of its mission in 2009, 4034 exoplanets have been detected by Kepler, of which 2335 have been confirmed by other telescopes and many other candidates are awaiting validation (image below). A site collects all the data of these discoveries in a catalogue downloadable in .csv format (Excel ; Menu - (Data) / CSV): (June 2017: 3630 Planets / 2721 multiple planet / 611 planets). However, there is a glaring absence of chemical and exobiological data (45 planets only having an entry "molecules", see below), and in general of bio-markers such as those mentioned below. For practical reasons, measurements are made to look for only the signature of Ozone (O₃) in the 9.6 μm infra-red spectrum. In chemistry, it can be obtained by electrolysis or according to the equation *:
2 H2O + CO3 → H2O + HCOˉ + H⁺ + O2 + energy → O3
*: the first part is of the most effect to realize a known special effect, to take two measures of water and a dry ice (available in fish shop, chemist, various stores), it makes a persistent falling haze until the total melt dry ice (also with grenadine or mint for coloring or any other coloring syrup), nice at Halloween parties! Yes, yes, I did it several times!
As under the action of UV and cosmic rays very energetic and for long periods, ozone is formed, it is easily identifiable. It is also degraded quickly because it is very oxidizing: 2 O3 → 3 O2
The reasoning being that Ozone O3 is linked to the presence of molecular oxygen therefore to Life.
A rule of parsimony, practice quite common in science. It is simplified but as the research is beginner, it is the only way used to search for Life, except for having the chance to find a blue planet like ours or with a high concentration of oxygen, i.e. with a composition with more than 20% of oxygen and a lot of nitrogen in the atmosphere!
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Planets recorded by the Kepler mission, 2011 - © NASA / JPL |
Exoplanets were first discovered around dead stars, pulsars and other spectral types ... It was a big surprise and in a medium with unexpected conditions because far from all the models admitted for the formation of planets, which still remain very little known!
It was indeed on October 6, 1995 that year that Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz announced the discovery of the first object whose mass makes it undoubtedly a planet in orbit around a star of the solar type, in this case 51 Pegasi. It was a hot Jupiter highlighted at the observatory of Haute-Provence (OHP) thanks to the method of radial velocities. The radial velocity method makes it possible to detect only giant planets at a distance close to their stars because the gravitational perturbation is strong because the movement of the star is important with the masses in action. That is why it was hot Jupiter that was detected first, as was the case of Pegasi 51b in 1995 by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz. Other methods are also used.
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Schematic of the transit method |
In fact, this news is inaccurate! The first exoplanets were discovered a few years ago and the first official announcement about them occurred on August 13, 1993 in a circular of the International Astronomical Union (UAI). Rocky types, they are in orbit around a pulsar millisecond discovered at the same time by the Polish astronomer Alexander Wolszczan, thanks to the mythical radio telescope Arecibo. This pulsar, PSR B1257 + 12, also named Lich (internationally Lich) since December 2015 is about 2,300 light-years away from the Sun in the constellation of the Virgin. It has at least three exoplanets that have been baptized Draugr, Poltergeist and Phobetor.
In addition to the first three planets that were confirmed in 2007, it is now believed that this planetary system could house a fourth (unconfirmed) planet, as well as an asteroid belt, or even a Kuiper belt. Other planets have since been discovered around pulsars. (Wikipedia source).
These discoveries surprise astrophysicists because these pulsars are neutron stars left by the explosion of a star at least 8 to 10 times more massive than the Sun. The researchers do not quite understand how the breath of the supernova could have saved these exoplanets. However, assumptions of understanding of the phenomenon have been advanced but are still very subject to debate (again!)
cite : Quête d'exoplanètes - Zooniverse project
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Directional plan according to the terrestrial habitability representing the position with respect to the sun of some exoplanets detected |
How many exoplanets have therefore the vital conditions for allowing the appearance of intelligent lives? And what is the use of Drake's equation in this new context constantly enriched with ever more data, with an avalanche of information soon as the pugnacity of the teams of scientists is strong to achieve this objective: to obtain an authenticated contact.
This equation seems rather too empirical to the use, even for some members of the scientific community downright bogus! Indeed, on closer examination, the factors used by Drake are limiting, coarse or irrelevant in calculating the conditions necessary for life because it is a more analytical and accounting, probabilistic calculation than the inventory of the minimum conditions and Compulsory exobiological and physic-chemical pre-requisites to promote the hatching of life every time ... Only the factor fp can be used with a good approximation a 0,5, the rest is speculative at least according to the accepted knowledge by the scientific community. It is a FORMULATION with regard to the evaluation of the terms that compose it and therefore very criticized.
In 2013, Sara Seager, a Canadian scientist planetologist and holder of the MacArthur Prize in 2013, often dubbed the genius award or genius grant, proposed a modified version of the equation Drake to estimate the number of habitable planets in the galaxy. Instead of considering extraterrestrials with radio technology, Seager merely became interested in the presence of any extraterrestrial life. The equation focuses on the search for planets with biomarkers, molecules (gases herein) produced by living organisms that can accumulate in the atmosphere of a planet at levels detectable by remote space telescopes.
The Seager equation is: N = N* x FQ x FHZ x Fo x FL x FS
- N : the number of planets with detectable life signs,
- N* : the number of stars observed,
- FQ : the fraction of calm stars,
- FHZ : the fraction of stars with rocky planets located in the habitable zone,
- Fo : the fraction of these planets that can be observed,
- FL : the fraction of these that actually house life,
- FS : the fraction of those on which life produces detectable gaseous signatures.
The circumstantial Habitable Zone (or eco-sphere, abbreviated as ZH)
Therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, the estimate of most of the factors entering Drake's formula or derivatives remains at a minimum very uncertain, and at worst this proposition is erroneous in essence, so "depending on the choices adopted, the result N can be found to be much less than one (in which case we would definitely be the only technologically advanced beings in the galaxy), or on the contrary equal to several hundreds or thousands or even more". Logically it will suffice for the discovery of only one other civilization or one form of life which will quickly lead to the detection of many others as two points define an infinite line and the conclusion of a chapter of thousands of years of human questions about Life in the Universe.
Life is perhaps more common than imagined in the cosmos.
So, logically, the question is to look for and establish the factors that must be valid for an outcome no longer statistical but as accurate as possible. So which ones? As our only reference to Life is our Sun, Earth, DNA and the chemistry of carbon and water, which can help us, but as we ignore all the causes of the arrival of life on our planet and none of the Laws of Nature in play, the tracks are in any case very limited! For example, the presence of oxygen is not sufficient or determinant evidence of the existence of life but a minimal set of chemical compounds could as described below!
It is illogical to seek to find a second Earth strictly identical to ours! For at least 3 reasons:
- Each star is unique, both in age and in constitution. They are just classified by type (according to magnitude, size and temperature or colour) and although about 1/5 of these have one or more planets, the initial conditions of creation of these planets are very diverse and singular, for a world full of life appears. On Earth, no individual of any species resembles another (except Multiple Births, which is not the case of Earth!)
- Our Sun is also a second generation star as proved by Professors Gounelle and Meynet (see cita below) [in Solar system genealogy revealed by extinct short-lived radionuclides in meteorites (2012, EN, PDF)] of isotopes in particular aluminum 26 (26Al) and therefore the product of a novæ, a phenomenon due to the explosion of a primary star of 20 billion kilometers in diameter (the size of the oosphere of our Sun ). By definition, it is an intense, dissipative and absolutely unique explosion and even though several dozen sister stars may have been formed and scattered in the Milky Way, none will have the same conditions of the planet system as that accompanying our Sun. Moreover, having made 18-20 turns since the condensation of the initial nebula, our galaxy has removed all these stars between them and it is very unlikely to find them now!
- The slightest variation in density in a proto-planetary nebula will result in the birth of different planetary processes, as proved by the calculations of the astrophysicist Dole (see below) and by the calculations of the astrophysicist Dole whose description is to be read in Icarus Volume 13, Issue 3, November 1970, Pages 494-508: "Computer simulation of the formation of planetary systems" (see his plans of planetary processions obtained further). The program available on or today and is called Accrete in English and written in C language. Available in the public domain (it is a system astrophysics simulation software of system planets solar). This simulation works by modelling a cloud of dust around a Sun-like star or not, injecting a variable series of masses that collect dust and form planets by accretion. Dr. Stephen H. Dole wrote his own equation in 1964 in ten terms, so three years after Frank Drake proposed the one bearing his name. He calculated that there would be about 35 million habitable planets
Compared to the initial hypotheses of 1961, how much have we reduced the uncertainty as to the position of a possible inhabited planet or to be more general, the reality of extra-terrestrials civilizations?
Of course, such a paradigm shift on Life in the Universe will have undeniable social, economic, political, moral, religious impacts but outside the scope of this study during the First Contact and will be the subject of another post to come. Notably according to its type: friendly, hostile, neutral or symbolic, etc ...
The evolution of groups of living beings on a cold planet or a cold star is certainly not governed by the simple laws of chance, it is obvious. Living organisms send / receive data about the global environment: there are a lot of interactions. They deal with these data and respond by sending signals (behaviour models, type: effort / gain, the principle of error-reward, Lamarckian catastrophism, behavioural biochemistry linked to nervous systems, etc.) Evolution according to a field of possibilities of a spectrum more or less wide (type more or less members of species included in a genus of the animal or vegetable kingdom). It is DNA, on Earth, that sticks to the task according to this model. On other worlds, a similar biological mechanism should be at work.
This vital process for the emergence of life and wisdom, we shall call it, forging a neologism: BIOMORPHOGENESIS. It is a question of discussing a real network of entities such as the organs structuring a living being but also various structures of encephalic types such as zones of the cortex or associative areas whose entropy is negative, self-reproducing and which contains bio-molecularly encoded information, DNA or even simpler nervous ganglionic nuclei for less evolved species, each part of which is linked, interdependent and compulsory to live. It is a very complex network that is the product of only local phylum's and more or less elaborated according to the resources of the available environment but also the external contribution (comets, asteroids, stellar clouds, etc ...)
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Earth Phyla - The Origins of Life - ( - Comets as meteorites have a fundamental role in the quest for life in space |
All planetary lands include and has traces of craters of revealing impacts giving an age of 4 billion years for the dark regions, similar to that of the highlands of the Moon, and younger for the clear regions, but without power as much determine how much. It is possible that many planets and satellites, were subjected like the Moon to a period of particularly intense bombardment 3.5 to 4 billion years ago without counting the effects of a pounding of the surface even more intense during the Late Heavy Bombardment (According to the Nice Model, which is a scenario of formation of the Solar System, it is a theoretical period in the history of the solar system approximately 4.1 to 3.9 billion years ago, during which Would have caused meteoric or cometary impacts on the terrestrial planets very important)(And evidence was also found for the conditions of type Late Heavy Bombardment around the star Eta Corvi) ...
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Production of cometary molecules by direct evaporation from the nucleus or by evaporation of parental molecules followed by their interactions with solar radiation. |
These hypotheses and ideas stem from the need to establish a physic-chemical and biological inventory that underpins the creation of a series of networked entities, phyla, a series of lines constituted by a set of living beings (or of common genes) descendant of a common ancestor called LUCA, an acronym from English: Last Universal Common Ancestor; In French: the last universal common ancestor or DACU, less sexy no doubt ... The hypothetical organism from which the three cell lines will have come, arches, bacteria and eukaryotes, and therefore all the species living on Earth. See phylogenetic lines, races. A phylum is therefore a series of parents by unilineal descent, see a part of a lineage adapted to a given planet, more or less endowed with intelligence according to their needs! Not simple.
What mechanism makes life appear from the inert? Since Stanley Miller's brilliant experiment in 1953, the question remains open!
However, 12 factors are identified and can claim to provide a sufficient and satisfactory answer to this problem by theorizing a scalar product easily calculable and always leading to the emergence of life and also intelligent creatures: this EMERGENCE manifests itself almost quantum: "In jumps" or in stages more or less long in time. Life does not develop as a continuous function, but according to a step function and logarithmic data. It is the same principle as self-organized critical systems (SOCM), well known to engineers, and a combination with the scintillation effect (logarithmic equation) known in biology, such as homoeostasis and basic competition both for Lamarckism (example of the 5 mass extinctions that mark our 4.2 billion history of life on Earth) and the contribution of Darwinism (either organisms with the same developing ancestor, nor emerging or disappearing differently depending on the place, the physico-chemical pressure of the environment, the era and the resources available).
Schematic representation of phyla on Earth.
A definition is necessary and the need to "quantify" life in a logical and synthetic way: " a living being is therefore a type of network of molecules and material structures capable of enriching and transcending its local information without Ceases at the biochemical level in relation to its phylum as well as relying on the help of external information as long as its needs are guaranteed " (it must also be remembered that a living being of whatever nature, and terrestrial or not, is also in states of permanents biochemicals and temporals internals modifications) and according to some definable as an extraordinarily biological machine complex highly automated with certain degrees of freedom (actions, thoughts, cultures, arts, societies), certainly, Some just perishable (religious current), some improveable (Transhumanist current) and an insoluble mystery for the majority of people! For me, everything works in a network on different and differentiated scales ... But, in the end, nobody agrees, and the debate will only be closed when the data is checked and after many heated discussions Between scientists. Science is hard!
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Race of life on Earth - The origins of life - ( |
In any case, our DNA, assimilable to a 3D grammar in base 4, allowed to develop hundreds of thousands of phyla for more than 4 billion years of which one intelligent: Mankind. All the conditions have been met for this in certain circumstances. We know very little about them to this day. Fortunately, it is not useful in this study to digression on the chemistry of CHON-type carbon-based life or not because it is too granular, and here the presence of elements Chemicals in quantity is enough, and we are in the infancy in terms of research on this point, and it is even more blatant with DNA whose origins and all subtleties are unknown! Genetics still contains many mysteries.
There are therefore several parts of formulations to be treated in order to try to approach our goal.
At first, the Emergence of Life: an inventory of vital conditions.
Ĕ = M * Mf * Tk_average * (PressureAtm) * O2 / Nitrogen * H2O * Spectral_Type * Radplanet * Aerolites * ionization_Atm * (Eltmetallic-geological) planets * T
(12 terms_11 + 1)
Note: for our solar system as well as most sister stars of Earth originating from the original novæ (according Coatlicue theory), the terms Spectral_Type - type G, Aerolites and T are of course equal to 1.
(Ĕ to be pronounced as é-kù - (ĕ'-kŭ), Hawaiian, ie: rear projection of the "manu ihu" (bow piece) of a canoe on which rests the "kaiapoi" (meteorological board). Canoes). "To show the earth with the muzzle"; "To make holes in support"; "To the root of", concept of aid to the navigation from a base, from a rooting) - (E Surmounted by a diacritical sign, in the languages of countries of Eastern Europe whose use is henceforth depreciated)
The product Ĕ obtained can naturally have only two values: 0 or 1. Life or not, (intelligent or not at this stage of the demonstration).
And then, it should be noted that it is not necessary to search in the presumed habitability zone of the model admitted, life at any price (which suits us well since we have exoplanets around pulsars, in nebulae, etc. Presences that can not be explained by the work of Drake or Seager! And about water, it is present everywhere in many forms!) But simply to measure the energy received by a cold star around a star or object astronomical energetic or super-massive absolutely any as well as its temperature, because as always in physics, it is finally question of the Pressure and Temperature of a system studied. The degree of precision of the astronomical measurements will have to be increased by a factor of 10³, i.e. 1,000 times at least, or even 10⁶ (1,000,000 times)!
On the other hand, any prediction of the conditions of the space environment remains an arduous task. It is known, for example, to recognize an active region of the Sun which may give rise to an eruption. Predicting the intensity and the hour of this eruption is a challenge. On a distant star, it is currently beyond our reach. The same is true of other scientific needs in this study and the difficulties increase with distances and degrees of uncertainty!
It is confirmed that water in large quantities exists in interstellar media as planetary both according to observations and standard physical calculations as shown in the scientists' reference graph on the various forms of H₂O, as follows:
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Summary diagram of the known H₂O states (depending on temperature and pressure). CMG Lee cc-by-sa-20 Credit |
After determining that Ĕ = 1, we must evaluate the feasibility of an intelligent contact, thus the conditions of appearance of a phylum sapiens, i.e. what interests us: an extraterrestrial life able to communicate. So where to look?
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There are more than 150 stars and objects, such as the brown dwarfs, located at 20 light years from the Sun. |
The time elapsed in billions of years is not sufficient when Ĕ = 1 for an intelligence like that Mankind to develop, because it is neither a continuous development nor a mathematical progression to see this intelligence emerge but according to the needs of the organism to ensure its survival, so the DNA or its equivalent to express itself in a network architecture. This will only happen if it is useful! The advent of digital technology is a matter of the same need: increasing efficiency and processing more information! This means a wide range of information, both qualitative and quantitative, from a variety of sources to unknowns data to be interpreted and analyzed.
We must also remember that our Sun is second generation and its planetary cortege and are the result of the explosion of a gigantic primary star of 20 billion km and that our star would have up to 200 siblings of various types as 3rd generation, either nephews or nieces in the galaxy according to Coatlicue theory. Two top experts, Dr. Matthieu Gounelle of the Mineralogy and Cosmochemistry Laboratory of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, and Dr. Georges Meynet of the Geneva Astronomical Observatory, have produced a new genealogy of the Sun (Cosmogony). They propose to baptize Coatlicue (the mother of the Gods in the Aztec cosmogony) the massive star from which the Sun would have been born (EN, PDF, Article · January 2015 with 400 Reads DOI: 10.1088 / 0031-8949 / 90 / 6/068001 · Source:
Dr. Matthieu Gounelle is a professor at the Natural History Museum since 2008, responsible for the national collection of meteorites. Professor at MNHN. Responsible for the Cosmochemistry team of the IMPMC and teaches. In 2006, he received the Nier Prize of the Meteoritical Society and the asteroid 1981-ET22 aka (6948) Gounelle, bears his name. At the head of the cosmo-chemistry team of the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Cosmochemistry of the Museum, Paris, France. His work focuses on meteorites and the formation of the solar system NASA's collaborator, he regularly goes hunting for meteorites in the deserts. Holder of a DEA in philosophy of sciences, Matthieu GOUNELLE is strongly involved in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and is interested in the political questions stood by science.
Our star is only 4.5 billion years old whereas the Universe is about 15-20 billion years old. We are 2nd Generation. Nothing precludes the fact that a race of E.T. Could be of the 1st, so very old or of the same level or third ("younger")!
Theory of the emergence of intelligence in a favourable planetary environment:
[Under construction]
Detailed definitions of the factors of the Emergence of life: inventory of vital conditions.
(Note: the results of Ĕ and the supplemented values of the factors of the formula listed below are the exclusive property of the author and are reserved for a subsequent publication, however on a justified request they may be requested.)
Abstract :
Mass of the cold planet (limit values Earth = 1, +/- 20-30%)Magnetic field (Mf " /0.1 Tesla)
Temperature range / thermal energy or available (earth ≃ average 12 ° C, lim +/- 70 ° C)
Composition of the typical atmosphere: O2 / N - (CHON: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, N [Nitrogen], other chemical elements & some rare gases such as Xenon and its paradox, Krypton)
Sources of chemical elements (geological environment) including metallic elements, trace elements, etc ...
Presence of sufficient water (%)
Geological radiation level (decreasing radioactivity)
Frequency of extra-planetary impacts (aeroliths) (NASA and / or proportional frequency geological time) (panspermia) (amino acids formed in space, eg glycine on comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko Alias "Tchouri", mission Rosetta - CNES - as well as phosphorus, an essential component of DNA and many organic compounds detected)
Atmospheric ionization level (Van Halen and atmospheric charge) (nb atmospheric layers?)
Field of scope of Ĕ :
Particular cases of satellites and moons of giant planets:
- Calculations for some remarkable moons of our solar system:
- Titan: Ĕ = 0
- Europe: Ĕ = ? (Insufficient data)
- Enceladus: Ĕ = 1 - details, see article "Enceladus, The Life?" On this blog.
- Ganymede: Ĕ = 1 - (to be confirmed, confirmation by planned mission) (details, see article "Ganymede, an ocean of life?")
- Callisto: not calculated atm
- Results for studied or confirmed exoplanets in a radius of about 20 A.L.
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Stars visible to the naked eye within a radius of 50 light years |
Research of this type began in the 1950s and was mainly marked by the publication of a study in 1962 for RAND CORPORATION for the US Army by Dole, Stephen, encouraged by Isaac Asimov and the support of Carl Sagan [American astrophysicist, pioneer of exobiology (1934-1996)] resulting in a capital document named:
HABITABLE PLANETS for Man (EN, 176p, 1964) - (reissue of 2007, in improved version).
He established a model of planetary systems (about 700) using variable data from nebulae, modulating the conditions, and obtained, on average, configurations of 7 to 13 planets (max).
He found out there are ALWAYS terrestrial planets and giant giants with known initial data and minimals variations!
The existence of a planetary procession around stars is therefore very common in both mathematics and observations.
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Series of models computed by Dole. On the left, the star is not represented but its calculations cover all spectral types (O, B, A, F, G, K, M, brown dwarfs). |
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Model series calculated by Dole |
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Others variations based on Dole calculations. The Jovian planets increase in size and there are no more telluric planets when the radial velocity of the initial nebular accretion disk is too fast. |
These representations of planetary systems around all kinds of stars of all spectral types date from the 1960s and 1970s and were popularized by Carl Sagan, the famous astronomer, notably in his book "The Cosmic Connection, an Extraterrestrial Perspective", published in 1973 in the USA. From then on, a particular branch of Astronomy was born: Xenology. There was a conference on this subject at MIT in 1973 and the ad hoc creation of an Astronomical Study Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States to summarize the needs to be Astronomical research for years to come.
And, quoting Professor Sagan: "Extraterrestrial life: a notion whose time has come", a visionary assertion, (in "Cosmic Connection", 1978, FR, Chap. 27, page 237), and it is To be a reality. Like so many others throughout the ages, he had the intuition of intelligent beings or not, elsewhere in the cosmos.
At the time, the list of 14 candidate stars probably accompanied by exoplanets established by Dole was as follows; and in Notes, common names, recent news (Kepler mainly). Some are confirmed!
(Stars within 21 light-years - Analyzed by Dole)
[Under construction]
Analysis of the list of 14 stars noticed by Dole
Spectral Mag V Mag A Distance Notes
Type ly
Sun G2V -26.8 4.83 0.00 Sol :
9 planets
Alpha Centauri
G2V -0.07 4.28 4.39 1 - 5 ? Alpha Centauri
+K1V+M5.5V -- (Rigil
Alpha Canis
A1V+DA2 -1.44 1.45 8.60 -- Sirius
Majoris Epsilon Eridani K2V 3.72 6.18 10.50 1 exoplanet, Kepler
Alpha Canis F5IV-V+DA 0.40 2.68 11.41 Procyon
61 Cygni K5V+K7V 4.79 7.07 11.43 1995 Mayor + Queloz
Epsilon Indi K4V+T2.5 4.69 6.89 11.83
Tau Ceti
Source :
Centaurs stars : up to 5 planets, 4 of which can be full of life.
Kepler Series:
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Tau Ceti:
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Particular case :
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Wikipedia: op.cit.Cambridge:
Scientific articles.
[Under construction]Phylum: A phylum designates an evolutionary line in systematic nomenclature, determines a synonym of monophyletic branch, that is to say that the species composing it all come from the same ancestor. It is also the set of animals (or vegetables) forms related. The term branch, used as a synonym, applies to the major divisions of the animal kingdom (example: the branch of primates, arthropods, vertebrates). Generally, there are several classes in each phylum. Common translation in English: phylogenetics.
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Theoretical Cycle of Panspermia |
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[2017. Hal id 322178] {Attribution - Non-commercial - Share in the Same Conditions - If you make a remix, transform, or create from the material composing the original work, you must distribute The Work modified in the same conditions, ie with the same license with which the original Work was broadcast. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)}
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